My top 5 yoga & life

These are perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about yoga, peace, mindfulness, and YOURSELF! Reading is one of my favorite forms of rest. I feel like I could learn infinite things through reading. But it’s also one of the ways I’ve opened up and learned more about myself. It’s provided me with so much growth in the last year, and I wanted to share some of those books.
Here are my top recommendations 
Too Flexible to Feel Good by Adel & Celest– a Hypermobile Yogi’s Book – my fave book right now to learn more about my physical body, and how I could work with it rather than against it
Women Who Run With Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés – for all my lady friends or any friends who want to learn more about finding and unraveling your true self, connecting with your inner self, and truly making yourself happy. You might go through a lot with this book, but it will help you grow as a human – no doubt.
♥️ A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield: a beautiful mindful, meditation book that will shift your paradigm and way of looking at the world and others around you
The Yamas & The Niyamas – for a deeper dive of yoga philosophy and great for beginners who want to learn more about the 8 limbs of yoga, and how they come into our real lives
Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith – for all things Chakras and how they fall back into your life. It helped me identify and understand my emotions, my way of being, and how to approach those things with chakras through yoga and meditation
P.S. if you’re someone who needs accountability or likes book recommendations, or wants more tips on yoga, and maybe even virtual book-clubs to help you stay accountable, join my FREE FB community group!